Underwater 3D Modelling
HYDRO 300 - Photogrammetry
DSMC own and operate a HYDRO 300 Photogrammetry system for underwater 3D modelling. The system is designed to be operated from our ROVs.
We bought the system in May 2023 to assist with the modelling of underwater assets for structural inspection and condition monitoring.
Following training with the manufacturer in Marseilles, France, DSMC are now one of a short list of companies in the UK offering this state-of-the-art inspection service.
The system uses a pair of 8K cameras that are time-sync'd to four LED strobe lights. These take up to 8 pairs of 'stereo' photos per second. Software then aligns and overlaps the photos to generate a dense point-cloud and colourised 3D model, much like a LiDAR model on surface.​

Case Studies
Our ROV personnel have already seen the benefits of the HYDRO 300’s light, compact inspection and reconstruction capabilities on some really interesting projects, including;
Flooded Tunnel Network, London
The mapping of a flooded underground tunnel network of mine shafts (an Aquifer) discovered under a construction site in London.
The high level of accuracy in the model produced allowed us to accurately plot the locations and depths of the tunnels so our client could avoid them when piling. It also allowed us to produce 'line and level' drawings and the model was imported into AutoDesk Civils 3D to aid our clients planning.
Outside of the benefits to the project, we enjoyed being able to model and document a historic network of flooded tunnels that made up a part of 19th Century Londons freshwater supply system long since forgotten!
​Outfalls and Diffusers
The 3D modelling of outfall pipes and diffusers for local authorities as part of condition surveys and planned maintenance scheduling. The accurate 3D modelling of structures repeated over several years allows us to compare data sets to track and monitor changes over time. It also allows our clients to visualise and discuss an accurate and complete image of their assets when often underwater visibility would have previously limited visuals from photographs or video to small close-up sections of a structure.​

​In-water Infrastructure​
The modelling of flood alleviation equipment in rivers for local authorities used in fault-finding, condition surveys and scour monitoring.
The surveying of quay walls, timber piles, bridge abutments and other such underwater infrastructure.